Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)


Reported year: 1 April 2017 – 31 March 2018

Total CIL receipts for reported year: Nil

Total CIL expenditure for reported year: Nil

NB: All CIL monies must be spent within 5 years of receipt.

Total value of CIL receipts, subject to notices served in accordance with Regulation 59E during the reported year, required to be repaid to TDBC: Nil
Total value of CIL receipts, subject to notices served in accordance with Regulation 59E during any year, not yet repaid to TDBC: Nil

Total CIL receipts from this reported year retained for future spending: Nil

Total CIL receipts from previous years retained for future spending: £2287.51

Reported year: 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2017

Total CIL receipts for reported year: £1443.75

Total CIL expenditure for reported year: Nil

Total value of CIL receipts, subject to notices served in accordance with Regulation 59E during the reported year, required to be repaid to TDBC: Nil

Total value of CIL receipts, subject to notices served in accordance with Regulation 59E during any year, not yet repaid to TDBC: Nil

Total CIL receipts from this reported year retained for future spending: £1443.75

Total CIL receipts from previous years retained for future spending: £843.76

Reported year: 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2016

Total CIL receipts for reported year: £843.76

Total CIL expenditure for reported year: Nil

Total value of CIL receipts, subject to notices served in accordance with Regulation 59E during the reported year, required to be repaid to TDBC: Nil

Total value of CIL receipts, subject to notices served in accordance with Regulation 59E during any year, not yet repaid to TDBC: Nil

Total CIL receipts from this reported year retained for future spending: £843.76

Total CIL receipts from previous years retained for future spending: Nil