West Buckland Parish Council

For any communication with West Buckland Parish Council please contact the Clerk, Mrs Jill Larcombe. Email westbucklandclerk@gmail.com. phone 01884 252647 or post to 6 The Old School, Chapel Street, Tiverton, EX16 6ND.

What is a Parish Council and what does it do? Find out more here

West Buckland War Memorial


Chair: Charles Silverlight, Tel: 01823 663109. Lives at Blackmoor.   

Vice-chair: Mrs Sarah Drury, Lives at Ruggin. Contact through the Clerk. 

Councillor: Simon Bellamy, Tel 07443457407, Lives in France Lane

Councillor: Beverley Moore, Tel 07725630394.  Lives in Silver Street.

Councillor: Adrian Paul, Tel 01823 661112  Lives at Budgetts Cross

Clerk to the Parish Council: Jill Larcombe, Tel 01884 252647 or email westbucklandclerk@gmail.com          Correspondence address: 6 The Old School, Chapel St, Tiverton, EX16 6ND

The Parish Council was elected in May 2022 for a five year term

Register of Interests Forms 

Others representing West Buckland:

Somerset Council: Ross Henley – 01884 665988 & 07502586781, email Ross.Henley@somerset.gov.uk  Sarah Wakefield – 01823 421461, email  Sarah.Wakefield@somerset.gov.uk

Gideon Amos MP – gideon.amos.mp@parliament.uk
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA

Parish Council Notice Board

Information about the Parish Council is posted on the Parish Council noticeboard which is sited opposite the War Memorial. Community notices can also be displayed on the notice board, subject to space being available. Please contact the Clerk to arrange for your notice to be displayed.