Are you concerned about vehicles travelling too fast through West Buckland? Read on to find out more joining a Community Speedwatch Group.
Community Speed Watch (CSW) is an initiative of Avon and Somerset Police and is designed to address local speeding problems in partnership with teams from the villages. There are now around twenty schemes operating in the west of Somerset with more joining and receiving training. CSW has spread throughout the U.K and road safety is currently one of the Police and Crime Commissioners’ objectives.
CSW exists to educate and remind motorists that speeding through our villages is an antisocial activity and, as such, is unacceptable. It does not entrap motorists or raise any revenue nor is it concerned with responsible motorists who sometimes drift a couple of miles an hour over the limit. All participants are unpaid volunteers, police trained and are highly visible in yellow reflective jackets.
Speeds are recorded with registration numbers, description of vehicle, time, date and location. This is forwarded to the police and CSW admin at Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue, Taunton. Their responsibility in the partnership is to identify the registered keeper of the vehicle via the P.N.C. (Police National Computer). A warning letter is then sent to the offender.
Repeat offenders can now be readily identified and they will receive a final notice from the police warning of a future fixed penalty or court action. They may also be added to the A.N.P.R. system (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) fitted to Road Policing Vehicles.
Uniformed officers regularly attend a CSW checkpoint and will issue penalty notices where appropriate.
If you are not only concerned about the danger to you or your children from speeding traffic but are prepared to do something about it, please volunteer to become part of a group we are trying to start in West Buckland. For more information contact:
- PCSO Louise Fyne – email
- email:
- West Buckland Parish Council – Cllr Mrs Margaret Blogg 01823 663378